Typhoon for Fedora CoreOS

Last summer, Typhoon released the first preview of Kubernetes on Fedora CoreOS for bare-metal and AWS, developing many ideas and patterns from Typhoon for Container Linux and Fedora Atomic. Since then, Typhoon for Fedora CoreOS has evolved and gained features alongside Typhoon, while Fedora CoreOS itself has evolved and improved too.

Fedora recently announced that Fedora CoreOS is available for general use. To align with that change and to better indicate the maturing status, Typhoon for Fedora CoreOS has been promoted to alpha. Many thanks to folks who have worked to make this possbile!

About: For newcomers, Typhoon is a minimal and free (cost and freedom) Kubernetes distribution providing upstream Kubernetes, declarative configuration via Terraform, and support for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, and bare-metal. It is run by former CoreOS engineer @dghubble to power his clusters, with freedom motivations.