Typhoon Fedora CoreOS Preview

Introducing a preview of Typhoon Kubernetes clusters with Fedora CoreOS!

Fedora recently announced the first preview release of Fedora CoreOS, aiming to blend the best of CoreOS and Fedora for containerized workloads. To spur testing, Typhoon is sharing preview modules for Kubernetes v1.15 on AWS and bare-metal using the new Fedora CoreOS preview. What better way to test drive than by running Kubernetes?

While Typhoon uses Container Linux (or Flatcar Linux) for stable modules, the project hasn’t been a stranger to Fedora ideas, once developing a Fedora Atomic variant in 2018. That makes the Fedora CoreOS fushion both exciting and familiar. Typhoon with Fedora CoreOS uses Ignition v3 for provisioning, uses rpm-ostree for layering and updates, tries swapping system containers for podman, and brings SELinux enforcement (table). This is an early preview (don’t go to prod), but do try it out and help identify and solve issues (getting started links above).